Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 10) Help


The Grids and Graticules tool places labeled grids and graticules on a map to be printed or published.

To start the Grids and Graticules tool, select Tools > Geospatial > Grids and Graticules.

Keyin: DMSG ACTION KEYIN MapCSUtilities GridsAndGraticules

The grids and graticules dialog consists of two panes:

  1. One pane is used to define the grids and the graticules definitions (or templates).

  2. The second pane is used to create and manage Grid Instances. A Grid Instance is a graphical element that defines the grid extent and includes one or more Grids and/or Graticules definitions.

Differences between a grid and a graticule:

  • A grid is a series of orthogonal horizontal and vertical lines used to denote coordinate locations on a map. The Bentley Map grid tool creates a grid based on the current projected geographic coordinate system.

  • A graticule is a similar network of lines; however it represents lines of latitude and longitude of geographic coordinates.

A wizard is used to create a new definition or a new instance. Once complete, the created element is stored in the DGN. Typically the definitions and the instance for a particular project are stored in a DGN Library.